
Yan Tomaszewski. Message from Charlotte
Yan Tomaszewski’s exhibition Message from Charlotte imagines a fictitious situation in the future. An apocalyptic landscape reveals a relic from the past: a time capsule from the Silesian town of Rydułtowy – the discovered object and all its artefacts are exhibited for the public within a timeless museum narrative.

Oneiron & Yan Tomaszewski. Scripture
The exhibition Scripture forms part of Kronika’s cycle Archaeologies, which juxtaposes chronologically distant artists’ works and activities that reveal similar approaches, fascinations, forms and migrating texts of culture.

Natalia Bażowska. Luna
In nature, wolves live in organised social groups, they are able to create the most complex and functional hierarchical structure in the world of animals. Hierarchy is fundamental – once it is disturbed, the entire pack falls apart. Excluded wolves live outside the pack. Those are specimens that somehow caused difficulties to the group: they did not want or could not subordinate. Living in isolation, they refrain from scent marking for fear of conflicts; they also often resign from howling. Solitary wolves wander intensely in search of areas that are not yet occupied, where they can live, as well as in search of other specimens, in search of proximity.

Bartosz Zaskórski. And the Dudes are Wallflowers
And Dudes Are Wallflowers is an individual show by Bartek Sikorski, an exhibition that adopts the form of installations – compositions of images, music, video projections. The title refers to a popular term for guys who stay away from the dance floor at school discos or parties. While girls have already been rocking the floor for a while, those chaps keep on standing by the walls, staring at the tips of their shoes...

Magdalena Starska. Everything Keeps Vigil
The essence of Magdalena Starska’s work consists in an attempt to domesticate reality, interactions with one’s own imagination and with the society, whose paradigms (instant communication, pursuit of the accumulation of goods and ongoing growth) trigger anxiety, stress and states of depression. In an era that has transformed the public domain and intimacy into a setting of transactions, calculation and struggle for attention, Magdalena Starska encourages contemplation. The artist minimises stimuli and expectations, while the process of satisfying the need of interpersonal contact is broadened in her case to embrace the sphere of objects.

Je brûle Paris!
Je brûle Paris! (I am burning Paris!) is an exhibition – visual essay – combined of works by artists, documentations and objects.

I needed a word to describe this turbulence of pleasure and pain my ears were experiencing from the moment I awoke until long after I closed my eyes at night. The word “soundscape”, occurred to me. I think I invented it, deriving it from landscape, but I may have borrowed it from somewhere. It doesn't matter. I used it as a neutral word to imply all or any acoustical environments.
Raymond M. Schafer

ManuFAktura. About the Rich
Partisan communication practiced by anarchists (e.g. billboards and citylights takeovers) constitutes an effective tool for class warfare. O BOGATYCH (About rich people) exhibition documents acts of civil disobedience, as well as practices of ManuFAktura group.

Marek Wasilewski. Stones
Exhibition Stones (Kamienie) relates to the relationships between the man and the cult object in its most basic physical dimension. Artist tries to answer the question about the nature of the religious cult experience within individual dimension, as well as, metaphysical, social and political dimensions. Author pays special attention to the way this experience may build or disturb cultural and political identities.

Projekt Metropolis. Final exhibition
Artists: Anna Baumgart, Łukasz Błażejewski, Bogna Burska, Maciej Chodziński, Kuba Dąbrowski, Mikołaj Długosz, Magda Fabiańczyk, Giuseppe Fanizza, Marek Glinkowski, Frederik Gruyaert, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir, Paul Philipp Heinze, Lars Holdhus, Rafał Jakubowicz, Grzegorz Klaman, Barbora Klimova, Paweł Kulczyński, Darri Lorenzen, Bartek Materka, Krzysztof Miękus, Rafał Milach, Patrycja Orzechowska, Jan Pfeiffer, P.O.L.E., Natalia Romik, Maciej Salamon, Łukasz Skąpski oraz Ayuta, Rafał Bujnowski, Paweł Jarodzki, Łukasz Jastrubczak, Tomek Kowalski, Piotr Kurka, Kamil Kuskowski, Mikołaj Małek, Malwina Rzonca, Wilhelm Sasnal, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Małgorzata Szymankiewicz, Kristian Skylstad, Łukasz Surowiec, Matteo Terzaghi, Magda Tothova, Łukasz Trzciński, Matej Vakula, Aleksandra Wasilkowska, Marco Zürcher

Mikołaj Małek. Works
Individual exhibition by Mikołaj Małek with many Things Visible and Invisible, and the text of Marcin Cecko.

Bartosz Zaskórski. Fabrication
Zmyślenie (Fabrication) is the first individual exhibition by Bartosz Zaskórski, which mainly presents artist’s drawings created after 2010.

The Wall. Art Face To Face With Borders, Careof DOCVA in Milan
Artists: Paweł Althamer, Wojciech Doroszuk, Magda Fabiańczyk, Giuseppe Fanizza, Nina Fiocco and Metodo Salgari, Khaled Jarrar, Giovanni Morbin, Marina Naprushkina, Joanna Rajkowska, REP, Santiago Sierra, Stephanie Syjuco, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Łukasz Trzciński, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Piotr Wysocki and documentations.