
The Life of Humans

November ‒ December 2020

As early as in ancient Greece, bee colonies were considered an equivalent of the political community in nature – an ideal natural system in which insects symbolised civic virtue and devotion to the collective good.

See the Sun with your eyes closed

19 September ‒ 23 October 2020

Where does a black hole lead? What is created by a collision of two celestial bodies? What kind of creatures inhabit distant galaxies and can you meet them? We and the children will look for answers to these and many other questions during the workshop part of the project.

Kasper Lecnim. New Normalcy. Old Habits.

4 July ‒ 28 August 2020

Surprisingly enough, this is not a post-apocalyptic exhibition. Neither did we rise from the dead, nor did Anything (a UFO or the Saviour) come to solve the dispute over the last things.

Martyna Czech. Summoning

4 July ‒ 28 August 2020

In one of East-Asian stories the Emperor, dressed like a poor and starving old man, asks different animals for help. Among the creatures there was a rabbit, which – knowing that grass would not satisfy man’s hunger – decided to jump into fire to offer its body as food.

Michał Patycki. The Sun

15 February ‒ 3 April 2020

After a long shift underground, miner Staszek Zięba finally comes to the surface. He washes his body from coal dust and irradiates it with a sun lamp to make up for the sunless hours.

Joanna Pawlik. Black Pasta

15 February ‒ 3 April 2020

with the participation of Edward Gil-Deskur, Klaudia Kwiecień, Wiktor Okrój, Dorota Wach, Agata Wąsik