
White lie

25 November 2017 ‒ 5 January 2018

artists: Olaf Brzeski, Monika Drożyńska, Karolina Freino, Good Girl Killer (Magda Jędra and Anna Steller), Katarzyna Józefowicz, Andrzej Karmasz, Anna Królikiewicz, Artur Malewski, Honorata Martin, Joanna Rajkowska, Daniel Rumiancew, Dominika Skutnik, Dorota Walentynowicz, Ania Witkowska, Adam Witkowski

Natalia Wiśniewska. Giantess

19 August ‒ 23 September 2017

When a body is immersed in a fluid, it experiences an apparent loss in weight that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. Diving in a swimming pool, Marta does not weigh almost anything at all: her light body moves freely in the water.

Beware! There are sharks swimming in the pond

19 August ‒ 23 September 2017

participants: Dorota Aniszewska, Alicja Bielawska, Maciej Cholewa, Małgorzata Goliszewska, Frederic Gruyaert, Katarzyna Kalina, Patrycja Orzechowska, Paweł Wątroba

and: Sandra Brzuszek, Zuzanna Cuber, Patrycja Gradzik, Daria Hepa, Nikola Iwanecka, Natalia Jakus, Michał Kalina, Armando Kamiński, Laura Kościelniak, Dominik Koczubaj, Roksana Koczubaj, Przemek Małek, Adam Nowak, Wanessa Nowak, Klaudia Pierzchalska, Patryk Pietrzykowski, Dawid Skóra, Dominik Skóra, Maja Wiśniewska, Weronika Wiśniewska, Zuzanna Wiśniewska

Patrycja Lisnikowska. Expanded Frame

19‒30 June 2017

Extended Frame is an open and multithreaded graduation project by Patrycja Lisnikowska, created in cooperation with young people from the Świętochłowice Secondary School No. 3 in the Lipiny district.

Wedding Called Off

21 April ‒ 10 June 2017

The exhibition Wedding Called Off comprises two legendary works that bear reference to Bytom: a new version of Marek Sobczyk’s painting Jimi Hendrix Rocks it with an Axe onto the Planks in Bytom, painted specifically for the exhibition at Kronika, and Maciej Maleńczuk’s lyrics to the song Edek Leszczyk from the 1980s, which is given a visual form by Tomasz Bierkowski (designer of Kronika’s logo and visual identification) and Paulina Duźniak.

Nagrobki. Wherever I'll Be, There Will Be Death!

21 April ‒ 10 June 2017

Wherever I Will Be, There Will Be Death! is an exhibition of the cult music band Nagrobki, which comprises visual artists and musicians – Maciej Salamon and Adam Witkowski. During the opening on the eve of the premiere of their new record Nagrobki will perform their concert Granite at TSA Wolne Tory.

Ania Witkowska, Adam Witkowski. Second Moon Syndrome

21 April 2017

Second Moon Syndrome is a work that has been “travelling” since 2013.  In Spring, it will relocate from Lower to Upper Silesia in order to shine in Bytom.

Dominik Ritszel. The Category of Force

28 January ‒ 18 March 2017

"The notion of discipline generates a fantasy of an ideal order based on established rules of the game, clearly articulated forms of punishment and artificially constructed conditions of equal opportunities. The game results in a closed narrative, where all challenges end up as win-lose events, are quantifiable and incontestable.

Maciej Cholewa. Myth of a Small Town

28 January ‒ 18 March 2017

Maciej Cholewa’s exhibition interweaves a projected image of a town with interpretations of stories overheard from small town residents. The exhibition narrative is formally developed as a literary publication inspired by local papers (A Myth of Small Town) and in the form of videos, installations and objects resulting both from a literal as well as a symbolic analysis of a universal small town into its constituent parts.