Szymon Kobylarz. Art for Art's Sake

Polish-English catalogue from Szymon Kobylarz's exhibition Art for Art's Sake, first held at the Kronika CCA in 2013.

It contains full documentation of the artist's works with authorial commentaries and introductory texts by Monika Branicka, Christoph Tannert and Stanisław Ruksza.

Texts: Monika Branicka, Stanislaw Ruksza, Christoph Tannert, Emanuela Kuziel, Szymon Kobylarz | Translation: Robin Gill | Design and typesetting: Marcin Wysocki | ISBN 978-83-61853-68-8 | CSW Kronika, Żak Branicka, Bytom - Berlin 2013

  • Publication
  • 2013
  • CSW Kronika, Żak Branicka, Bytom - Berlin 2013
  • ISBN: 978-83-61853-68-8