Sky in paper curls. Art as the fifth element

"Sky in paper curls. Art as the fifth element " is a series of workshops in which young people, artists and professionals in the fields of the biological sciences, nature preservation, environmental education and activism will work together on different ways of expressing thoughts and emotions through art and nature.

We start from the thesis, confirmed by many studies, that young people, more than any previous generation, are exposed to the negative effects of overstimulation. They are overloaded with responsibilities and constantly judged. At the same time, they lack the space to express themselves freely, shed their burdens and relax.
When we asked the young people participating in our previous educational activities about their dream leisure activities, the theme of nature often appeared in their answers - the desire to escape into nature (but also the feeling that it is practically absent in their surroundings).

The participants in the educational activities conducted by the Kronika CCA thus describe in an intuitive way what contemporary science emphatically confirms - contact with nature is a prerequisite for human well-being, and is particularly important for the youngest. It allows for deep relaxation, enhances intellectual potential, creativity and reduces the risk of diseases of civilisation. Children's alienation from the natural environment, in turn, results in a phenomenon described already 20 years ago by Richard Louv as ‘nature deficit syndrome’.

The Kronika CCA project is a response to these needs. We will take a close look at our everyday natural environment. As part of the project: workshops, walks, land art and art therapy activities, together we will look for a way to express ideas that are important to us and transform them into an art form inspired by the chosen element. Joint activities in the space of nature and art will at the same time become an opportunity to calm down, relax, throw away bad emotions, cleanse the mind and regenerate the body.

Children and young people from Bytom, Zabrze and Radzionków have been invited to take part in the workshop. The workshops will be led by artists Dobrawa Borkała, Michalina W. Klasik, Dominika Łabądź, as well as Joanna Zdzienicka-Obałek and Paweł Szeibel ( Pracownia Sezonowa) with the support of, among others, Prof. Edyta Sierka and Prof. Piotr Skubała from the University of Silesia, Witold Szwedkowski from the Miejska Partyzantka Ogrodnicza (Urban Guerilla Gardening) and Barbara Ziemer from the Workshop for Nature and Environmental Education at the Silesian Botanic Garden.
The works created during the classes will be shown at a post-workshop exhibition, and the project will be summed up by the publication of an educational booklet containing, among other things, proposals for activities to be carried out on one's own in the surroundings of urban nature.


The project ‘’Sky in paper curls. Art as the fifth element' was supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture - a state purpose fund.
Value of MKiDN support: 92,000 PLN
Total cost of task implementation: 123,060 PLN



  • Multi Polymers


  • Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach
  • Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Media partners:

  • Chillizet
  • Dzikie Życie
  • Gazeta Wyborcza
  • Notes na 6 Tygodni
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