Austrian, German and Swiss art books
- period: 20 June ‒ 10 July 1998
- Exhibition organised as part of Meetings with Austrian culture
- Bibliography:
- (ad), Austria w BCK, "Dziennik Zachodni" 1998, no. 248 "Dziennik Bytomski" no. 282, p. 3.
- Austriackie spotkania, "Życie Bytomskie" 1998, no. 24, p. 3.
- Burczyk L., Spotkania z kulturą Austrii, "Gość Niedzielny" 1998, no. 30 "Gliwicki Gość Niedzielny", p. 22.
- (ton), Spotkania z Austrią, "Życie Bytomskie" 1998, no. 26, p. 9.
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