The City is Empty
- period: 5‒19 October 2013
- artists: Damian Heinisch, Hanne Grieg Hermansen, Runhild Hundeide, Frido Evers, Lars Brekke, Henrik Pask, Jason Havneraas, Johanna Ellen, Magnus Vatvedt, Sebastian Helling, Marie-Louise Jacobs, Janne Talstad, Tor Jørgen Van Eijk, Jon Eirik Kopperud, Saman Kamyab, Kjetil Berge, Kenneth Alme, Ingri Haraldsen, Petter Buhagen, Hans Christian Skovholt, Tora Dalseng, Victor Boullet, Kristian Skylstad, Karen Nikgol, Lee Meo
- curator: Kristian Skylstad
- The project was carried out in partnership with the Icelandic Art Center, Reykjavik Art Museum and Kunsthall Greenland.
- Bibliography:
- is, Bytom robi wrażenie jak Los Angeles, 13.10.2013,,35018,14795894,bytom-robi-wrazenie-jak-los-angeles.html [access: 18.06.2021].
- Kudelska M., Śląsk - obszar znikania, 4.12.2013, [access: 18.06.2021].
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